California Scholarship Federation (CSF)
Founded in 1921, California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California. CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship and community service for California high school students. CSF encourages service to the school and the community while fostering pride in academic scholastic achievement.
In order to become a member of CSF, a student must qualify by taking the required number of courses which meet college entrance requirements. All courses needed must have been approved in advance by the district and the California Scholarship Federation. Students must evaluate their own transcripts, looking for completed courses that are listed as approved. Points are awarded for those courses. When students are able to earn the minimum number of points for taking enough rigorous, approved courses, they may submit an application for membership. When membership applications are checked and approved, students must pay a small amount of dues, ($5.00 per semester), for each qualifying semester, beginning with the second semester of the sophomore year in order to be a CSF member.
A student who is a CSF member and especially a CSF Life Member has the significant benefit of listing a CSF membership on college and scholarship applications. In order to be a Life member, a student must have qualified and paid for a minimum of 4 semesters between 2nd semester of the sophomore year and 2nd semester of the senior year. If a student is able to earn the distinction 4 times, (5 are possible), they will receive a CSF Life Member seal on their diploma. They will also be awarded special CSF ropes to be worn during the graduation ceremony. It is quite an honor to have obtained this level of excellence.Click here CSF Website for additional details.