• Taft Union High School District

    Direct Public Records Requests to:

    Julie Gragg
    701 Wildcat Way
    Taft, CA 93268-2319
    Phone: 661.763.2300
    Fax: 661.763.1445
    To ensure that your request is processed in a timely and thorough manner please submit your request in a non-electronic format, via mail, fax, or by contacting our district office for additional instructions and methods for requesting information. Due to the restrictive nature of our SPAM filter electronic messages from unidentified senders often go unseen by district personnel. In addition, staff members are trained to delete unidentified e-mails as they potentially contain viruses that could harm our electronic systems.

    Jason Hodgson Superintendent

    Taft Union High School District

Last Modified on September 30, 2024