• Attendance Office

    Office hours  7:00am - 3:30pm  

    Assistant Principal
    Suzanne White
    Ext. 309
    Administrative Assistant Kelly Fedoroff   Ext. 309 
    Attendance Assistant
    Karina Mora
    Ext. 310
    Campus Supervisor
    Tonya Barraza
    Campus Supervisor
    Kim Fields
    Ext. 365
    Campus Supervisor
    Kevin Guinn
    Ext. 308
    Safety & Security Manager Joe Gregory
    Ext. 307
    Intervention Specialist Lucero Guerrero
    Ext. 381
    Intervention Specialist James Burell
    Ext. 303
    School Nurse Sean Coyle
    School Social Worker Delfina Duarte



    Reporting Absences

    If a student will be absent or tardy, the parent/guardian must notify the school attendance office immediately by phone, providing the reason for the absence and the estimated duration the student will be out of school. If a phone call is not possible, a signed note from the parent/guardian may be submitted for each absence. Any absence not cleared within 72 hours will be marked as a cut.

    • Attendance Office 24-hour phone line: 661-763-2310


    Excused Absences

    The following are considered excused absences:

    • Illness
    • Quarantine
    • Medical-related appointments
    • Funeral services of immediate family members
    • Jury duty

    Note: Parents may excuse up to 14 days. A doctor’s note will be required for additional absences beyond this limit.

    Excessive/Truancy Absences

    • Step 1: After 3 unexcused absences, the 1st truancy letter will be mailed home.
    • Step 2: After 1 additional unexcused absence, the 2nd truancy letter will be mailed home.
    • Step 3: After 1 more unexcused absence, a Habitual Truancy letter will be mailed home.
    • Step 4: For any additional unexcused absences, the student and parent will be referred to SARB (School Attendance Review Board) or cited by a Truant Officer.




    Beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, only 10th–12th graders will be allowed the privilege of going off-campus for lunch. All 9th graders will be required to remain on campus during lunch.


    Students in grades 10 through 12 who leave campus must exit through the main gate on Wildcat Way and MUST have their student ID to do so. Students without their school-issued ID will not be permitted to leave during lunch.


    All student deliveries of lunches will be turned away regardless of cost or inconvenience incurred by the requester.


    Additionally, the off-campus lunch privilege is contingent upon acceptable attendance and behavior. Off-campus privileges will be revoked for students who: 


    • Fall below 90% attendance
    • Receive below a 2.0 GPA after the grading period
    • Have outstanding detentions
    • Accumulate five or more tardies
     *If students struggle to maintain appropriate standards for attendance and behavior, off-campus privileges may be revoked for a designated period of time. 
    DRESS CODE (Ed. Code § 35183; BP 5132)
    In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming. (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils)
    ● Students must be covered from collarbone to mid-thigh with no offensive language or images, no representation of illegal substances (including those illegal to minors only), or no representation of weapons or gang affiliation. 
    ● Sheer or see-through clothing is not permitted. Undergarments should not be visible. 
    ● Shoes must be worn at all times; soft sole slippers are prohibited. 
    ● Bandannas are not permitted except for school spirit items. 
    ● Hats must be worn forward or backward. When requested by a staff member, students are to remove their hats. 
    ● Attire which may be used as a weapon is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to chains, wallet chains and items with spikes or studs. 
    Gang-Related Clothing, Insignia, Symbols and Activities: The Governing Board desires to keep district schools and students free from threats or harmful influence of any groups or gangs. The type of dress, apparel, activities, acts, behavior or manner of grooming displayed, reflected or participated in by the student shall not: 
    1. Lead school officials to reasonably believe that such behavior, apparel, activities, acts, or other attributes are gang related and would disrupt or interfere with the school environment, activities, and/or educational objectives; 
    2. Present a physical safety hazard to self, students, staff and other employees; 
    3. Create an atmosphere in which a student, staff and other person’s well-being is hindered by undue 10 pressure, behavior, intimidation, overt gesture or threat of violence; or 
    4. Imply gang membership or affiliation by written communication, marks, drawing, painting, design or emblem upon any school or personal property or on one’s person. 
    If the student’s behavior or other attributes are in violation of these provisions, the principal or designee will request the student to make appropriate correction. If the student refuses, the parent/guardian will be notified and the principal or designee will take appropriate corrective and disciplinary action. 
    No grade of a student participating in a physical education class shall be adversely affected due to the fact that the student does not wear standardized physical education apparel where the failure to wear such apparel arises from circumstances beyond the student’s control. (Education Code 49066) (cf. 5121 - Grades/Evaluation of Student Achievement)  
    School Attendance Required by Law (Ed. Code § 48200, 48290; BP 5113) The State of California believes that education is essential for children and for our future. State law requires parents/guardians of children ages 6 to 18 to send their children to school, unless otherwise provided by law. Parents who fail to meet this obligation may be subject to prosecution.
    Reporting Absences 
    If a student will be absent or tardy, parent/guardian must notify the school attendance office immediately by phone stating the reason and estimated time the student will be out of school; if a phone call cannot be made, a note signed by the parent/guardian may be presented by the student for each absence. An absence not cleared within 72 hours will be posted as truancy. The Attendance Office 24 hour phone line is: 661 763-2310.  
     Verification of Illness (Ed. Code § 46011; BP 5113)
    Parents are allowed to excuse up to 14 days without verification of illness from a medical professional or school employee; a doctor’s note will be needed to clear further absences.   
    Absences allowed by law (Ed. Code § 45194, 46010, 46014, 48205; BP 5113);
    Illness, quarantine, medical related appointments, funeral services of immediate family, jury duty.  
    Excessive/Truancy Absences (Ed. Code § 48260.5, 46011 BP 5113.1) Notification of pupil’s classification as truant may include electronic mail or telephone.   
    Confidential Medical Services (Ed. Code § 46101; BP 5113)
    Students shall not be absent from school without their parents/guardians' knowledge or consent except in cases of medical emergency or confidential medical appointment.  
    The Taft High staff has agreed upon the following school-wide Tardy Policy. 
    ● Readmit-Tardy slips are issued to students for 1st and 5th periods if they arrive after the second bell of each period. 
    ● All other tardies are handled by the teacher with teacher consequences given. 
    ● Attendance interventions will be implemented by an Intervention Specialist. 
    ● Students with excessive tardies will lose off campus privileges. 
    ● Excessive tardies - referral to Dean of Student Services for appropriate disciplinary action.  
    Students must have an off-campus pass from the Attendance Office to leave during the regular school day and during lunch period (9th graders). Advance notice is recommended to minimize classroom disruption.  
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Last Modified on January 23, 2025